SD120/8 Inside of tank with coating

When installing a dental noiseless oil free air compressor, you should choose a well-ventilated, dry, and clean place, and make sure there are no flammable or corrosive substances around it. Make sure the air compressor is securely mounted on a stable surface to reduce vibration and noise


Dental air compressor

An air compressor is a mechanical device that uses an electric motor or internal combustion engine as the power source, compresses gas into high-pressure gas through compressed air, and stores it. Air compressors are widely used in various industries, such as construction, mining, chemical, power, and so on. The following will introduce the working principle, classification, and application fields of air compressors.


The working principle of an air compressor is to suck in gas from the atmosphere through working components such as blades, screws, and pistons, and then compress the gas into high-pressure gas through mechanical movement. Finally, the high-pressure gas is stored in a gas storage tank. When air is needed, it is released from the gas storage tank to meet the needs of industrial equipment, machinery, etc.
According to different compression methods and working principles, air compressors can be divided into several types, including reciprocating air compressors, screw air compressors, centrifugal air compressors, and so on. The reciprocating air compressor compresses gas through the upward and downward movement of the piston, with a relatively simple structure and is suitable for small equipment. The screw type air compressor compresses gas through the rotation of two screws, which has high efficiency and stability, and is suitable for large equipment. Centrifugal air compressors compress gas through centrifugal force, suitable for high pressure situations.
Air compressors are widely used in various fields. In the construction industry, air compressors are used as power sources for cranes, pile drivers, and other equipment on construction sites. In the mining industry, air compressors are used for rock drills, mine ventilation, etc. In the chemical industry, air compressors are used for gas separation, gas transportation, etc. In the power industry, air compressors are used for control systems of equipment such as steam turbines and boilers.
In short, as an important mechanical equipment, air compressors have a wide range of applications in various industries. Different types of air compressors have different characteristics and applicability, and enterprises need to choose air compressors based on actual needs. With the development of technology, the performance of air compressors will become increasingly advanced, providing better support for the development of various industries

Usage Skills:

1. Correct installation location: When installing the Best dental noiseless oil free air compressor in china, you should choose a well-ventilated, dry, and clean place, and make sure there are no flammable or corrosive substances around it. Make sure the air compressor is securely mounted on a stable surface to reduce vibration and noise.

2. Regular maintenance: Regularly check and clean the filter, cooler, and exhaust port of the air compressor to ensure the normal operation of the air compressor. According to the manufacturer's recommendations, regularly replace the filter element and other wearing parts to extend the service life of the air compressor.

3. Pay attention to pressure control: adjust the output pressure of the air compressor as needed, and ensure that the rated working pressure range of the equipment and tools is not exceeded. Use a pressure gauge to monitor the output pressure and ensure it is within a safe range.

4. Avoid overloading: Avoid overloading the dental noiseless oil free air compressor for a long time to prevent the equipment from overheating and damage. Turn off the air compressor during non-working hours to save energy and reduce wear and tear on equipment.

5. Pay attention to keeping it clean: Clean the surface of the air compressor and the surrounding environment regularly to ensure that the equipment remains in good working condition. Clean the surrounding dust and debris in time to avoid affecting the heat dissipation and ventilation effect of the air compressor.

By following these usage tips, you can effectively protect the performance and life of your Best dental noiseless oil-free air compressor in china while ensuring the work of your dental office is completed safely and efficiently.


Model Voltage Power Air flowF.A.D Air flowF.A.D 5bar(72psi) Speed Noise Tank Max.pressure PackingMessurement Weight Bec
V W HP L/min C.F.M L/min  C.F.M r.p.m db L GAL BAR ps LxWxH(mm) kg
SD120/8 220/110 1500 2 280 74 140 4.7 1400*1680  60 50 13.2 8 115 450*450*820 40


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